Datapolis Process System


Home > Installation Guide > Installation > System Settings > IIS settings

IIS settings

To work properly, DPS requires your IIS application to have at least one website identity set on a default IP address and empty host header value.


Note: DPS cannot deploy workflows on a website application without website identity with empty host header.


To ensure your settings are correct:

  1. Click the Windows “Start” button and click “Run”.
  2. In the textbox type “inetmgr” and click “OK”.

    In IIS Manager find the web application that hosts your SharePoint, select it and on the right-side toolbar click “Bindings…”

  3. In the “Site Bindings” window check if you have at least one entry for default (unassigned) IP address and empty Host header value. Port number is irrelevant.

  4. If you don’t have this entry, click the “Add” button and provide a port number. Do not change other settings. Click “OK”.

  5. Repeat these steps for all web applications that host SharePoint and use DPS. You might need to restart the Web application.