Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Creating Workflows > Workflow Designer > Action Launch Forms > HTML Form




HTML Form allows you to create your own page as an Action Launch Form (ALF) by using HTML.


​Using HTML Form is pretty simple and similiar to using Quick Form. This form have the following elements:

  • Available Variables - i.e. all the variables defined in the workflow and not already assigned to the action. You can assign a variable by either double-clicking it or by clicking the green icon on the right. If you wish to define new variables, click the “Manage variables” button, which will open the “Workflow variables” window described before
  • Variables selected as forms fields - variables which will be added to your HTML Form and show in ALF
  • HTML Form - here you implementing your own HTML code which will be use variables added in earlier section
  • Parameter Button - when you click this icon you will see context menu with all variables which you must add to your HTML
  • Reset to Quick Form - resets HTML Form to exactly same view as is on Quick Form (i.ex. variables order)


Assigning variables

In Available Variables window you see all variables which was created in workflow. You can simply add them by double click on variable name or by single click on green button on right. When you adding variables they will show in Variables selected as forms fields window.


Example - window with added variables:




Note: All variables from Variables selected as forms window will be visible as parameters to add in your HTML Form.


HTML Field - New type of field 

With new HTML Form we provided new type of field - HTML Field. You can define there some HTML code which you want to store in variable and then show it on HTML Form. You can choose HTML Field when you setting form field properties (you can do it by double click on variables which are in Variables selected as form fields window or by simple using pencil icon on the right in the same window).


You can hide your HTML title and description by unchecking Display title and description checkbox.


Example - look of HTML Field window:



HTML Form Parameters

Parameters are actually workflow variables which you can add to HTML Form. 


When you click parameters button you will see context menu which contains all variables which you added to Variables selected as forms window. 


To add parameter to the HTML Form you need to click pencil icon.  To delete added parameter from HTML Form you need to click cross icon.


Example - look of window:



Note: All this parameters need to be added to HTML Form!


Creating HTML Form

Creating HTML Form is based on adding parameters or lookups to your HTML code. HTML Form window has some Quick Form template HTML code added by default. You can remove it, modify or leave just as is.


​Note: If you added some variables in Quick Form and you switch form type to HTML all variables which you added in Quick Form will be in exact same order in HTML Form.​


To create own look of Action Launch Form you must put some HTML code in HTML Form window and then add all parameters wherever you want in your code.


Example - complete HTML From:



Example of simple HTML Form:


Resetting HTML Form to Quick Form

If you want to reset your HTML Form to QuickForm view you can simple do it by clicking Reset to Quick Form button. The result will be removal all your HTML code which you provide in HTML Form and put there defualt Quick Form template HTML with added all variables as HTML parameters.


Note: If you reset your HTML Form, ALF look will be exactly the same as if you will choose the Quick Form instead of choosing HTML Form.​


Additional Information

You can simply copy and paste your HTML code from HTML Form to external editor, modify it there and paste it  back to HTML Form.