Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Creating Workflows > Workflow Designer > States > State Properties

State Properties

To set-up state properties you need to open state menu. It may be done by double-click on the state you want to edit.


The state menu looks like this:

You can change\set the following properties:

  1. Name
    Name will appear on the state in workflow designer.
    Name of the state may also be very important during the workflow execution as it gives information to the user where the workflow is at the moment. (Read more here: Workflow Status).
  2. Description
    Description of the state will be attached to the Workflow documentation (Read more here: Documentation Generator).
  3. Color of the state
    You can pick the color of the state from the available colors.

    (You can also change the color palette of entire designer. This option is available from workflow properties button on the toolbox and is described here: Workflow Properties).
  4. Field Permissions
    Datapolis Process System gives the possibility to set permissions to the SharePoint List column (Read more: Field Permissions).
  5. Self Timers
    Self-Timer allows automatically launch chosen action after specify amount of time. (Read more: Self-Timers).
  6. State Actions
    This property allows to set icons and action order for the actions going out in particular state. (Read more: State Actions).
  7. Applications
    This property allows to add and manage "external content" to the state which will be executed when the workflow is in the particular state. This "external content" may be "Shared Workflows" (read more here: Sharing Workflows) or other applications consistent with Datapolis Process System  (read here: Solutions and Applications).  Read how to add and manage applications inside the state here: Applications.