Datapolis Process System


Home > Installation Guide > Migration scenarios > Migrating from Workbox 2.3

Migrating from Workbox 2.3


Follow this steps to successfully migrate from Workbox 2.3 when you are upgrading your SharePoint environment to SharePoint 2013.

  1. On SharePoint 2010
    1. Install latest Workbox 2010 if not installed yet. Only from this version you can upgrade Workbox.
    2. Create backup of your database (named “DP_DB_YourFarmGuid”)
    3. Download and run “WorkboxSP2010MigratorSource.exe”.
    4. This application will create text file named “Datapolis_PS_SP2013Migration.txt” (or ”WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” in previous versions). It will store information about GUIDs of your farm and Web Applications. Keep this file for further steps.
    5. Uninstall Workbox 2.3.10 and SharePoint Column Protector (if it is installed). It is necessary because of large amount of changes in WorkBox features and possible inconsistencies.
  2. Create new SharePoint 2013 farm and migrate your environment following Microsoft guidelines.
  3. On SharePoint 2013
    1. Import your Workbox database into SQL Server. Keep previous name.
    2. Download “Datapolis_PS_SP2013MigratorTarget.exe”.
    3. Copy file ”Datapolis_PS_SP2013Migration.txt” (or “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt”) to folder where “Datapolis_PS_SP2013MigratorTarget.exe” lays.
    4. In case of standard migration URLs to your Web Applications will not be modified. In you are performing this kind of migration please skip this step. But, if you want to import your Web Applications to be running on ports other than before migration, you should do some extra actions described below.


      You have to verify “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” file validity – all Web Applications mentioned in file should has corresponding URLs to Applications in your farm. Remember to keep URLs in the same form as they were saved – “http://URL:PORT/. In other words, you should modify URLs of applications that have been imported under different port.


      Imagine that after doing step 1.3 you have file with following content:


      http://SomeCentralAdministration:3000/ 82608fb3-ffdd-412d-bb91-1fbe6e119ddf
      http://SomeSiteCollection/ a6914cc6-1611-48fa-b2d9-62775372445c


      These are, in order, your Workbox database name and running web applications URLs and GUIDs. Now, after migrating SharePoint your applications may be available under different URLs (you can check it in IIS), for example:


      http:// SomeSiteCollection:81/


      In this situation, you have to replace old URLs with new URLs, so your “WorkboxSP2013Migration.txt” will look as follows:


      http://SomeCentralAdministration:3200/ 82608fb3-ffdd-412d-bb91-1fbe6e119ddf
      http:// SomeSiteCollection:81/ a6914cc6-1611-48fa-b2d9-62775372445c


    5. Now you can save “Datapolis_PS_SP2013Migration.txt” file. Make sure that  “Datapolis_PS_SP2013MigratorTarget.exe” lays in the same folder as saved text file. If yes, go to next step.
    6. Run “Datapolis_PS_SP2013MigratorTarget.exe”.
    7. Check your Workbox 2010 source database version
      1. You can check the version number with the SQL query: 

        SELECT [Version] FROM dbo.[Versions] WHERE [ObjectId]='2e3876fd-9e5e-4623-9fb1-76fbb353db11

      2. Database version of Workbox or newer will be  
      3. ​If your database version is greater or equal then, you have to change the version value to before Datapolis Process System installation:
      4. UPDATE dbo.[Versions] SET  [Version]='' WHERE [ObjectId]='2e3876fd-9e5e-4623-9fb1-76fbb353db11'

    8. Install Datapolis Process System.
    9. Activate new license for Datapolis Process System.
    10. If you have custom functions or activities written using Workbox SDK, you should prepare new versions to be running under SharePoint 2013.