Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Creating Workflows > Workflow Designer > Actions > Action Properties

Action Properties


To edit action properties open the properties window by double-clicking the action line or by clicking the “Edit action” icon, which appears when you point the mouse cursor over the action:

Action properties menu looks like this:

You may set the following properties:

  1. Name:
    Action name will appear below the action on the diagram.

    Action name will also appear for the end user on the list item context menu. User may launch the action by choosing its name from the item menu on the list where the workflow is deployed.

  2. Description:

    Description of the action will be attached to the Workflow documentation (Read more here: Documentation Generator).

  3. Launch form:

    Form which user will see after running the action. (Read more here: Launch Form).

  4. Permissions:

    Here you can set which users are allowed to run the action. (Read more here: Permissions).

  5. Conditions:

    Conditions that must be met to allow action execution. (Read more here: Conditions).

  6. Activities:

    Here you can add activities which action will perform. (Read more here: Activities).

  7. Appearance:

    Change default icon and description seen by end user. (Read more here: Appearance).