Datapolis Process System


Home > Datapolis Column Protector > Configuring > Limitations


  1. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” works only with Web Parts with full toolbar.
    „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” protects only these list view Web Parts which have Toolbar Type set to “Full Toolbar”. Due to SharePoint API’s limitation, current version of „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not support list view Web Parts that have summary toolbar or no toolbar.
    Remember to enable full toolbar on list view Web Parts for the list you want to protect.

  2. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not work with Data View Web Parts.

  3. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not protect metadata in documents opened
    with external applications (e.g. Microsoft Office Word).

  4. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not work with Wiki libraries.

  5. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not support RSS feeds.

  6. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not work for search results.
    Search uses standard SharePoint security mechanisms and „Datapolis Column
    Protector 2013” settings do not affect search results.

  7. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” supports only standard SharePoint elements.
    Third-party and custom-built forms, Web Parts, controls and other elements most likely won’t be affected by „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” permissions (e.g.  InfoPath forms, all elements modified by SharePoint Designer).

  8. To configure „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” user must have “Manage List” permission for the list.
    User must be granted “Manage List” permissions for the list to be able to use „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” Administration pages.
    Note: If the list is inheriting permissions from its parent site, user needs “Enumerate Permissions” for the site.

  9. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” shows all columns to users with Manage List permissions.
    „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” shows all columns to users with Manage List permissions for given list. In other words, „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” is transparent to these users and column permission settings do not apply to them. This is the default setting which can be changed in the „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” settings page.

  10. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not synchronize its permission settings with list permissions.
    If you change list permissions, it will not influence „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” permissions. Using „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” it is possible to assign column permissions to a user for a list to which the user has no access. However, „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” permissions will not grant the user access to the list.

  11. Calendar Views and Gantt View limitations.
    For users who don’t have permission to view any of the Calendar or Gantt columns
    views are disabled. Such users will only see the following information:


  12. “Title” column limitations:

    • „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not hide the “Title” column in Datasheet view;

    • „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not hide link to item with its “Title” in SharePoint alerts.

    In general: hiding item’s “Title” (or document’s ”Name”) field is a bad practice, because in most cases it works as item’s identifier.

  13. „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” does not work with list and web templates.
    Creating list or web from template on which „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” was running will cause that, all settings made through „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” will be reset.

  14. Microsoft  Office Access limitations:

    • Microsoft Access does not support read-only setting for attachments.
    If by using „Datapolis Column Protector 2013” you set attachments on a list to be read only (by granting only the “Allow display” permission),
    in Microsoft Access he/she still will be able to add and remove attachments. Such modifications to attachments will be, however, cancelled on a different level, even though Access still shows differently.
    • If a user has his/hers permission to edit a column revoked while he/she
    is working in Access, the user will still be able to make changes
    in the column, but those changes will be cancelled on a different level.