Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Creating Workflows > Workflow Designer > Action Launch Forms [HIDDEN] > InfoPath Form

InfoPath Form


Firstly, remember that you need to have sharepoint state service on Central Administration. To add it start your PowerShell as administrator and write there: New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "StateServiceDatabase" | New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "StateServiceApp" | New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -DefaultProxyGroup  

This form type lets you use an existing, published InfoPath form. Currently this functionality is supported only in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise. You also have to have the InfoPath Services service running.


At the end of this section you will find a tutorial on how to create an InfoPath form that is compatible with Datapolis Process System.

The form definition window has a drop-down list with all published InfoPath forms found on the current site collection. After selecting the form, a list of its fields will appear. Each field can then be assigned to a workflow variable. Additionally, a default value can be set for each field.


Note: The default value for each field can be set both in InfoPath Designer and in Datapolis Workflow Designer. We strongly suggest deciding on either option; otherwise it can cause unpredictable behavior.


Each variable can only be associated with one field on the form. It’s also vital to pay close attention to both field and variable types in order to avoid assigning incompatible values to the latter. For instance, consider a situation when a workflow variable of Number type has been associated with a field of Date type.


Datapolis Process System supports all standard InfoPath input controls, as well as most standard containers – excluding Choice Group along with Choice Section.


Please note that specific controls require specific way of setting the default value.

  • Text Box and Rich Text Box accept data in any format;
  • Drop-Down List Box, Combo Box, Multiple-Selection List Box, List Box require that you provide the Value of the specific choice option you wish to set as default. Also, Multiple-Selection List Box can have multiple choices selected at once; to set them, provide their values separated by new line character;
  • Check Box requires you to provide one of the following values: “true” or “1” is you want the checkbox to be checked, “false” or “0” if not;
  • Option Button: provide the value of the button you wish to be selected. You can find this value in the “Value when selected” field on Option Button Properties in InfoPath Designer;
  • Date Picker and Date and Time Picker requires date or date and time values compatible with date and time format set for the control in InfoPath Designer;
  • Bulleted List, Numbered List and Plain List can have multiple values set; as with Multiple-Selection List Box, simply separate them with new line character;
  • Person or Group requires you to provide a valid user identifier the field can recognize when looking user up, for instance DOMAIN\account string.

Additionally, when using containers, please take into consideration that users can add and remove field groups dynamically when working with the form, depending on the container functionality. When adding several instances of the specific field group, values from all instances of each field will be combined when saving the data on form submit. The values will be separated with new line character.


Note: In the InfoPath form which is being used as ALF has been changed, launching actions using this form may cause problems. If such change is necessary, the workflow definition must be updated and redeployed, plus the workflow has to be restarted on all specific items.


Below you will find information on how to build InfoPath form that will be compatible with Datapolis Process System.


Notes: To configure and publish InfoPath to SharePoint 2013, the following items are required:

   1.  SharePoint Enterprise 2013

   2.  Microsoft InfoPath Designer 2013

   3.  An account to access the SharePoint 2013 Site

   4.  Having the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection feature activated


To activate the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection feature, go to Site Setting --> under Site Collection Administration, select Site Collection Feature

--> Active SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features



Make sure States Service is started.  Go to Central Administration --> click Application Management --> under Service Application section --> click Manage Service Application


If you don’t see State Service in the list, go to Central Admin --> click Configuration Wizard --> click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard--> click Start the Wizard --> Select State Service and click OK.

Create a new Blank Form in InfoPath Designer.

Next, add required fields to the form.

Add two buttons: Ok and Cancel.

It is necessary to define behavior for both buttons. For the Ok button, we will want to send form data to the server. To do this, first we must define the connection. Click the “Manage Data Connections” link.

Add new connection.

Set the connection type to “Submit data”.

Next, select “To the hosting environment, such as an ASP.NET page or a hosting application” as the destination location of the form.

Now we have to accept the settings.

Close the “Data Connections” window.

Now we have the connection to the server. Next, we have to declare that the form has to open the connection when the Ok button is clicked. To do this, double-click the button and select “Submit” from Action drop-down on the Ribbon.

Check if the data in the “Submit Options” window is correct and close it.

The Cancel button should close the form. This behavior can be achieved with rules. Double-click the button and click Rules on the Ribbon.

Set a new action.

Select “Close the form”.

The form can now be published to the server. Select File -> Publish -> SharePoint Server.

Enter the location of the SharePoint server.

Select the following options:


Select the location where to save the form. From there we will upload the form.

On the next screen leave the default options and click Next.

Publish the form by clicking Publish.

Click Close to complete the procedure.

The form we have created should have the following options selected. We advise you to check if it is so.

1. The form should have Security Level set to Domain.

2. The form’s compatibility settings should allow it to be displayed as a Web form. Check If in the Compatibility category Form Type field is set to Web Browser Form.

Now we have to deploy the form on the server. Go to SharePoint Central Administration -> General Application Settings -> Upload form template.

Using the Browse button select the file to upload. It has to be uploaded on the Central Administration. Sharepoint requires admin permissions to upload Infopath document.

When the form has been uploaded, it must be activated for the specific Site Collection. There are two ways of accomplishing that –through the Central Administration or the Site collection features page.


1. In Central Administration, go to General Application Settings -> InfoPath Form Services -> Manage Form Templates. In the uploaded form’s context menu select “Activate to a Site Collection”.

2. To activate the form through the Site settings, go to Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Site collection features.
In the “Site Collection Features” page select button “Activate” next to the form template name.

The form is now ready to be used. It’s accessible in the chosen Site Collection in FormServerTemplates library:


Note: Occasionally when accessing the InfoPath Launch Form you may experience an error message similar to the following:

This error is a known issue of the InfoPath form viewer control, but it does not hamper the form’s functionality. After closing the message, the form can be used normally.