Datapolis Process System SDK


Home > WBInterface > Methods




In this section you will find list of all methods available through WBInterface. Note they are also described in detail in class reference, which can be found here.

Most of the examples uses WebService and thus CreateSoapClient() method which is described in detail in Web Service section.

Method list

Name Description
GetAssignedToCount() Returns a number of Workbox workflows that current user can interact with.
GetAssignedToCount(bool withSubstitutions, bool onlySubstitutions, bool ignoreUserItemPermissions) Returns a number of Workbox workflows that current user and/or its substitution(s) can interact with.
GetAssignedToCountOfSubstitutedUser(string substitutedUserLogin, bool ignoreUserItemPermissions) Returns a number of Workbox workflows that current user and/or its substitution(s) can interact with.
GetUserWBWorkflowShortInfos(int from, int to, bool withSubstitutions = false, bool onlySubstitusions = false, bool ignoreUserItemPermissions = false)
Returns a list of short information about Workbox workflows (no actions).
GetUserWBWorkflowShortInfosOfSubstitutedUser(int from, int to, string substitutedUserLogin, bool ignoreUserItemPermissions = false) Returns a list of short information about Workbox workflows (no actions) that current user's substitution(s) can interact with.
GetWBActions(string listUrl, int[] itemIds) Returns information about available actions for items in selected list.
GetWBAllActions(string listUrl, int[] itemIds) Returns information about available actions for items in selected list with filled property WorkflowInfos containing whole workflows actions.
GetWBItemInfo(string listUrl, int itemID) Returns information about Workbox workflow running/completed/available to start on list item.
GetWBListInfo(string listUrl) Returns information about Workbox workflows on selected list.
GetWBSiteInfo() Returns information about Workbox workflows on selected site.
GetWBWorkflowInfo(Guid instanceID)
Returns information about Workbox workflow - available actions and theirs parameters.
GetWBWorkflowShortInfos(int from, int to)
Returns a list of short information about Workbox workflows (no actions)
IsWBOnList(string listUrl)
Return true if there is at least one deployed workbox workflow on selected list.
LaunchWBAction(Guid instanceID, WBActionInfo action) Launches choosen action on Workbox workflow.
LaunchWBActions(List<int> itemIDs, Guid baseID, WBActionInfo action) Launches a set of workflow actions.
SimpleLaunchWBAction(string listUrl, int itemID, string workflowName, string stateTitle, string actionTitle)
Launches choosen action on Workbox workflow.
StartWBSiteWorkflow(WBSiteInfoWorkflow workflowInfo) Starts selected Workbox workflow on site.
StartWBWorkflow(string listUrl, int itemID, WBListInfoWorkflow workflowInfo) Starts selected Workbox workflow on list item.
TerminateWBWorkflow(Guid instanceID)
Terminates Workbox workflow.