Datapolis Process System SDK


Home > Custom Controls > Utilizing Control

Utilizing Control



This section will show you how to use your custom control in Workflow Initiation Form and Action Launch Form.


Creating Workflow

Open workflow definition in Datapolis Designer and create new variable. In this example we will name it ‘MyControl’.



The workflow on picture consist of one state and one action to run Action Launch Form.



Editing Action

You can set initial value of your variable by using "Set variable" activity. Sample project requires it to be specified format and doesn't allows null, so we will set it to "Integer;#23".




Action Launch Form

Open Action Launch Form settings window and select previously created variable as form field.



Open MyControl form field properties window and select Custom field control as field type.



And finally point out to control url.
After solution deployment the control is placed in C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES\[SolutionName]\ folder.

Url can also be provided as a relative one. Sample project from Download section has Solution Name QuickLaunchForm.CustomFieldControl and control named MyCustomFieldControl.
So the relative url for this sample will be ~/_controltemplates/15/QuickLaunchForm.CustomFieldControl/MyCustomFieldControl.ascx




Remember to deploy the workflow before closing designer.


Go back to the list and run workflow instance. Then run action for which the custom control is set.




As you can see the control is filled with initial value which we have set before.



The sample project has validation based on selected type. Here you can see how it looks like from user's perspective.