Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Reports & Statistics > Database


Datapolis Process System stores workflow history data in database. You can connect to this database and prepare reports with SQL Reporting Services or any other similar application. In this section you will find details about a tables that store important data for reports. 





This table contains full history of every workflow instance:


  • Id - database id (int) 
  • WorkflowInstanceId - an instance id (GUID) of workflow which made this record
  • AssociationId - id (GUID) of association (deployment)
  • TemplateId - id (GUID) of workflow definition
  • AppId - id (GUID) of SharePoint Web Application, where workflow instance works
  • SiteId - id (GUID) of SharePoint Site Collection, where workflow instance works
  • WebId - id (GUID) of SharePoint Web Site, where workflow instance works
  • ListId - id (GUID) of SharePoint List, where workflow instance works (if this is list workflow)
  • ItemId - id (int) of SharePoint Item, on which workflow instance works (for list workflows)
  • UserId - id (int) of SharePoint User releated to event (e.g. user who launched workflow action)
  • UserLogin - login of SharePoint User releated to event (e.g. user who launched workflow action)
  • Occured - date and time when logged event occured
  • EventType - type of logged event
    • -1 - Undefined - Event not specified

    • 0 - None

    • 1 - WorkflowStarted - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance being initiated.

    • 2 - WorkflowCompleted - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance being completed.

    • 3 - WorkflowCancelled - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance being cancelled.

    • 4 - WorkflowDeleted - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance being deleted.
      5 - TaskCreated - The workflow event concerns a workflow task being created.

    • 6 - TaskCompleted - The workflow event concerns a workflow task being marked as complete.

    • 7 - TaskModified - The workflow event concerns a workflow task being modified.

    • 8 - TaskRolledBack - The workflow event concerns changes to a workflow task being rolled back.

    • 9 - TaskDeleted - The workflow event concerns a workflow task being deleted.

    • 10 - WorkflowError - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance generating an error.

    • 11 - WorkflowComment - The workflow event concerns a comment being written for the workflow instance.

    • 12 - StateStart - Workflow entered start state

    • 13 - State - Workflow entered state

    • 14 - StateFinish - Workflow entered final state

    • 15 - Action - Workflow action has been lauched

    • 16 - ActionParameters - Workflow action parameters data (logged after action launch)

    • 17 - Decision - Workflow entered decision state

    • 18 - WorkflowInitialParameters - Workflow initial parameters information (logged at workflow start)

    • 19 - Parameter - Workflow activity parameter information (logged when activity launched)

    • 20 - Activity - Workflow activity has been launched

    • 21 - WorkflowTerminated - Workflow has been terminated

    • 22 - SPObjectsMissing - The workflow event concerns the workflow instance that misses some SP objects, e.g. ParentAssociation.

    • 100 - ApplicationStarted - Application (e.g shared workflow) start event

    • 101 - ApplicationFinished - Application (e.g shared workflow) finished event

    • 102 - ApplicationError - Application error has occured

    • 103 - ApplicationTerminated - Application has been terminated

  • EventName - Internal name of the event
  • EventTitle - Title of the event
  • EventContent - Event details
  • WBVersion - Datapolis Process System version, which logged this event
  • AssociationReferenceId - Datapolis Process System internal Association id (GUID)
  • HideInHistory - boolean describing if event should be hidden on workflow history page



This table contains a dictionary of related to workflow objects. This can be used to extend you reports to be more understandable for end users.


  • Id - database id (int) 
  • ObjectId - an id (GUID) of object (usually a SharePoint id)
  • Title - Title of object
  • Type - type of object (SPList, SPWeb, SPSite, SPWorkflow))
  • Url - link to object page
  • ItemTitle - related list item Title
  • Modified - last change date and time