Datapolis Process System


Home > User Guide > Creating Workflows > Workflow Designer > Forms > Form Design

Form Design

Every form can be fully designed and configured. You can choose its fields, configure how they work and affect each other, prepare layout, validation and many other. This section describes how to accomplish this.

Note: This section relates to all of Form Types (Action Launch Forms, Initiation Form, Workflow Form, State Forms). They have similar Design Window with some differences described in this section. For information how to open Design Window please see section Add/Edit Forms.


Form Design Window


Below you can see Form Design Window with main areas selected. Below there are described those areas.


Action Launch Form



Workflow Initiation Form*
*Also Workflow Form and State Form looks same.



Main Design Areas on Design Form Window:

  • Form Implementation Types - defines how to create form design, see Form Implementation Types.
  • Form Deploy Settings - choose where form should be deployed, relates to Initial/Workflow/State forms, see Forms Deployment.
  • Asynchronous Form - defines if form should work asynchronously, see details below.
  • Header/Footer - provide header and footer of form. You can use lookups.
  • Fields - select fields to show/edit on form, see Form Fields.
  • Custom JavaScript - allows to defines custom form JavaScript, see Custom JavaScript.
  • Custom Styles - allows to defines custom form CSS styles, see Custom Styles.
  • Form Button Labels - define custom button labels (default are Save/Confirm and Cancel). You can use lookups.
  • Redirect URL - by default Action Launch Forms after confirming redirect to where it was invoked from, Initial/Workflow/State forms after saving redirect to default list view, but you can overwrite this functionality and decide where to redirect. You can use lookups.
  • Form Validation - you can define a custom validation than happens after user confirms/saves form. See details below.
  • Create a Copy/Load From Template - you can save your form as a template and use it to create other forms.
  • Fields Permissions - allows to hide/disable fields on form basing on permissions (workflow role). See Fields Permissions.
  • Allow bulk action - available only for Actions Forms, see details below.


Asynchronous Form


Just after Form Implementation Type select section you can find a checkbox Asynchronous Form. This setting relates to form fields interaction and form behavior. Mostly every form field change (like putting text to text box by user) can influence other fields (depending how form creator will configure this, e.g. selected value in one dropdown can change available values in other dropdown). Way of reaction to that event can be configured by this checkbox. Depending on selection reaction can be:

  • Synchronous - a default old fashioned way, where every fields interaction invokes page reload,
  • Asynchronous - a new dynamic way, where fields interaction do not reloads whole page, but connects to server and then updates only particular fields.

Note: Choosing Asynchronous allows you to use new dynamic selectors of fields reactions and form validation, which are not available on Synchronous forms:


  • Fields Display & Validation Condidions section
  • Form Validation section


It is recommended to use Asynchronous Forms to fully use all of Forms settings.


Note: Asynchronous/Synchronous behavior especially relates to JavaScript behavior as every reload of page clears JS variables values, so depending which type of form you use you should prepare different JS scripts (if of course JS scripts are used in your form).



Form Validation


You can define custom form validation that happens when user click on confirm/save buttons. It can be advanced and/or statement and you can use lookups there.


Note: This functionality is only available when Asynchronous Form is checked.



When validation fails the Form Validation Message is shown, you can configure it and use lookups.




Note: For using in validation condition and in message form fields values please use lookups to Workflow Data -> Current Form -> Form Fields -> some field.



Allow bulk action



Turning this option on will allow launching the action (through the button on SharePoint Ribbon) for all selected list items. If the action will be launched for different versions of the workflow, discrepancies might occur between values passed to action parameters. It can lead to unpredictable behavior of the workflow. Please be sure to keep backward compatibility of your workflow forms in such case.