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Form Fields JavaScript


You can extend your Quick Form behavior with custom JavaScript code. On the parameter details window you have three field that will help you with it.


  • Client field Id - define the identifier that will be used to access the field object in client code.
  • Client validation function - name of the client field value validation function name, which can be created to provide custom validation.
  • Client 'onchange' function - name of function that will be launched after change event in field.

The custom functions have to be implemented in the form Custom Java Script window:



You can write the code directly in the window or set the url to the file that contains it:




If you select the Code option you can easily generate the declaration of the functions according to the names that you have defined in the fields setting JavaScript Section:




After that you will have to write only the bodies of your functions.


To learn how to manipulate the form fields go to the JavaScript Object Model section.

Additionally check our walkthrough how to use Javascript 'onchange' in form fields and Javascript validation of form fields.