Datapolis Process System


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Logic of Datapolis Workflows

If you are beginner in Datapolis Process System it is highly recommended that you first understand the logic and the main type of objects of Datapolis Workflows. 

On the diagram below there is simple "Order Placement" process.

The diagram is easy to understand because you may see only clear business logic. There are five  most basic object types you need to know to be able to understand proces logic.



States are representing the phases of the process.

On the screen below there are highlighted all states. Usually the names of the states describe the phase of the process.

You may read more about states here.


Actions represents transitions from one phase (state) of the process to another. (see screenshot below):

Actions define the rules: where the process may go from the particular state.


For example: When the process is in the state "Additional Info" it may only go to "Order Placed" state.


Please read more about actions here.



Roles represents the participants of the process.

Users who are in particular role may have right to launch only particular actions in particular state. For example user who is in "Approver" role may only act in "Waiting for Approval" state and may launch "Approve" or "Reject" action.

Please read more about "Roles" here


There are also two additional object types which are not visible on above diagrams but which are important to understand workflow logic: Activities and Launch Forms.


Workflow Activities

Workflow activities may be defined on actions. Every action may have it's own "activities" (set of activities which will be executed when the action is launched).


Example: On the above "Order Placement" process we want to inform reviewers by the e-mail when the order is placed. We want to invoke the activity "Send an email" when the action "Place an Order" is launched (see below):

You may read more about activities here.


Action Launch Forms

Form Designer is a tool built-in into Workflow Designer. Forms are the most convenient way to communicate between user (workflow participant) and workflow. Forms may be attached into the actions and are invoked when the action is launched.


Example: On the above "Order Placement" process "Reviewer" needs more info about the particular order. He invokes "Need more info" action. The would be defined and attached to this action form which will allow "Reviewer" to answer the question. After the "Need more info" action is launched the Form is invoked and Reviewer has a chance to ask a question:

Every action my has it's own form.


You may read more about forms here.